Summary for Araneus diadematus (Araneae)

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Araneus diadematus pair Copyright: Peter Harvey
Identification difficulty rating: 1
Name: Araneus diadematus
Authority: Clerck, 1757
Order: Arachnida: Araneae
Family: Araneidae
IUCN status: LC

Records: 14863
First Record: 1800
Latest Record: 2024

1992-on hectads: 1572
Pre-1992 hectads: 956
Total hectads: 1817

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About this species

Recorded altitude range
-4m to 750m

Species text

The species is widespread in most of Britain. It is widespread in western and central Europe.

Habitat and ecology
A large and distinctively marked spider found in a wide range of habitats wherever the habitat can provide supports for its large and conspicuous orb web, such as all types of woodland, scrub and other vegetation, hedgerows and roadside verges, buildings (sometimes inside) and gardens, as well as heathland, quarries and cliff-faces. It spins large orb webs up to 40 cm across at heights of between 1.5 m and 2.5 m (Jones 1983) in shrubs and tall herbaceous vegetation. Both sexes are mature in late summer and autumn, females surviving through to late autumn. It takes two years for the young spiderlings to reach maturity in Britain, and immatures may be found throughout the year.


Original authors of profile: P. Lee and T. Thomas

Text based on Harvey, P.R., Nellist, D.R. & Telfer, M.G. (eds) 2002. Provisional atlas of British spiders (Arachnida, Araneae), Volumes 1 & 2. Huntingdon: Biological Records Centre.  References

Adult Season

Adult Season Data (based on 3937 records with adult season information)


background methodology

Broad Habitat Data (based on 5797 records with habitat information)

Broad subhabitat Data (based on 698 records with subhabitat information)

Structural Habitat Data (based on 2178 records with structural habitat information)

Habitat Detail and Method (based on 2880 records with habitat detail and method information)

Recorded management for locations with Araneus diadematus

Recorded substrate and hydrology for locations with Araneus diadematus


Orbweaver ensnaring shield bug
Orbweaver ensnaring shield bug
Araneus diadematus on wooden deck 2019-10-20
Araneus diadematus on wooden deck 2019-10-20
Garden Spider Mexborough
Garden Spider Mexborough
Araneus diadematus Gloucs 3
Araneus diadematus Gloucs 3
Araneus diadematus Gloucs 2
Araneus diadematus Gloucs 2
Araneus diadematus Gloucs 1
Araneus diadematus Gloucs 1
Araneus diadematus - Rochdale
Araneus diadematus - Rochdale
European Garden Spider (female)
European Garden Spider (female)
European garden spider (male)
European garden spider (male)
Garden Spider in garden at night 05.09.18
Garden Spider in garden at night 05.09.18
Garden Spider eating moth in kitchen 23.08.18
Garden Spider eating moth in kitchen 23.08.18
Garden spider Lincoln 31st August 2018
Garden spider Lincoln 31st August 2018
Araneus diadematus Swinley Park
Araneus diadematus Swinley Park
Araneus diadematus from the side
Araneus diadematus from the side
Orb-web Araneus diadematus feeding on ladybird
Orb-web Araneus diadematus feeding on ladybird
araneus diadematus with prey
araneus diadematus with prey
Araneus diadematus at Beinn Eighe NNR
Araneus diadematus at Beinn Eighe NNR
Female Araneus diadematus
Female Araneus diadematus
Garden Spider On the Wall
Garden Spider On the Wall
Araneus diadematus 3
Araneus diadematus 3
Araneus diadematus yellow
Araneus diadematus yellow
Araneus diadematus strawberry garden spider variety
Araneus diadematus strawberry garden spider variety
Cross Orbweaver (Araneus diadematus) Somerset2
Cross Orbweaver (Araneus diadematus) Somerset2
Cross Orbweaver (Araneus diadematus) Somerset
Cross Orbweaver (Araneus diadematus) Somerset
Harmless garden spider. Glad this was outdoors
Harmless garden spider. Glad this was outdoors
Araneus diadematus youngling
Araneus diadematus youngling
Female Araneus diadematus repairing web
Female Araneus diadematus repairing web
Monkton spider
Monkton spider
Araneus diadematus Orange
Araneus diadematus Orange
Unidentified Red Spider 2
Unidentified Red Spider 2
Unidentified Red Spider
Unidentified Red Spider
NO - Araneus Can someone please confirm this as a steatoda
NO - Araneus Can someone please confirm this as a steatoda
Araneus diadematus Unknown suspicious looking spider
Araneus diadematus Unknown suspicious looking spider
Dundee Spider
Dundee Spider
NOT False Widow in St. Helens
NOT False Widow in St. Helens
what spider is this
what spider is this
Araneus diadematus colour variety
Araneus diadematus colour variety
Mystery to me
Mystery to me
Unidentified tennant
Unidentified tennant
Unknown spider sighting
Unknown spider sighting
Araneus diadematus. Pregnant female
Araneus diadematus. Pregnant female
found this trying to knock on my door
found this trying to knock on my door
Garden spider hiding in corner
Garden spider hiding in corner
Under an Olive Leaf
Under an Olive Leaf
Araneus diadematus underside view female
Araneus diadematus underside view female
Colour var of Garden Spider
Colour var of Garden Spider
Araneus diadematus - Indoors
Araneus diadematus - Indoors
Garden  or Cross spider
Garden or Cross spider
Garden spider at night
Garden spider at night
Araneus diadematus on web
Araneus diadematus on web
Araneus diadematus wrapping Woodlouse
Araneus diadematus wrapping Woodlouse
garden spider
garden spider
Araneus diadematus
Araneus diadematus
Araneus diadematus pair
Araneus diadematus pair
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